Conscious Pill Sonnet – With Two Possible Ending Lines

Conscious Pill Sonnet – With Two Possible Ending Lines

A human’s conscious moment takes their whole
space up. Light fills the mind, and body too.
A human’s conscious moment fits the Soul;
but how? Godlight shines in and out and through;
but how?

We grow in wisdom when the space between
Awareness bright within and bright without
grows thinner. With “enlightenment” I mean
the gap’s gone; kindness chosen without doubt.
But how?

I cannot open belly to the Light!
The Hurt’s afraid and pulls my navel in.
Please give me God a push beyond all fright.
Night shadows swirl! The tangled mists will win!
Unless yon thund’ring, dustcloud-churning steed
across parched vale in watchful glory speed.
no master save all-watchful-care will heed.

Author: Conch I.S. Pille
Editorial Oversight: B. Willard & A. Whistletown
Copyright: AM Watson

From the Liner Notes:
Today, the staff once again split their head over how to push towards the better and away from the worse.
They do not seem to know.
They do not seem to have the wide and clear vision.
They pace the beach
and throw sonnets at the waves

[Bartleby’s Poetry Corner]

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