

Hello worlds!

Welcome to our project!

Update Spring 2024: Here’s some books online you could read if you wanted to get a sense for some books we’d written: Books Online.

Update February 24, 2024: We are just working on politics now. See NYC Journal – Politics for our latest efforts.

Update December 28, 2023: Did someone accidentally buy a copy of Diary of an Adamant Seducer, not realizing we, not used to anyone ever buying anything we write, had just posted it to read and edit? If so, please write to us at Editor@PureLoveShop.com so we can send you Diary of an Adamant Lover pretty soon.

Update December 28, 2023: How do we stop the evil? We don’t know. How to make things better for everyone? What is the trick to share power, responsibility, thought and joy? How to break through the misunderstanding, that we all might see things as they really are — both (spiritually/poetically) in Reality and (facts-and-figures) in reality? We don’t know. We will release a few more edits to Diary of an Adamant Lover tomorrow. And then?

Update 2023: We have six books now in our Buy the Books section. Email us and we’ll email you whichever book you request. Read it and let us how know it goes. Because we think it goes too far that no one ever reads any of our books! Surely at least some of the books would be of interest to at least some people. Surely! Right? [Editor@PureLoveShop.com]

Also: Blog

[Political despair early in December 2021: No Possible Plan]

See Buy the Books for the latest books from the lonesome, heartcrushed, soulslashed Bartleby Willard of the distant Skullvalley After Whistletown Publishing. We’ve written like four already!

Update April 2021:
I don’t even care.
I don’t even care.
I don’t care.

Update January 2021:
On this site, there’s a lot of Poems.
We kinda quit on Politics for the nonce.
Lately we’ve mostly focused on the Love Notes section of the Pure Love Shop website.

See below for novelty gifts, Pure Love ads/scams, links to Bartleby’s other sites, and an index to the poetry and assorted what-not Bartleby Willard—as isolated and mournful as a blue whale quietly circling the sevenseas—lobbed onto this site during the six years he was supposed to be staying on task.

But first:
Could we interest you in the occasional poem, essay, story, worry, hope, and/or update ehand-delivered to your ehome??

[mc4wp_form id=”6431″]

I. The Corporeal Product Line (!Novelty Gifts!)
Step right up! Step right up! Hear ye! Hear ye! Check it out! Simple consumer goods a person in our trendy consumer society might anyway purchase, but here offered with some artistic and/or intellectual detailing for fancier prices. A novelty item! A gift item! A practical physical product, but that you spend some extra money on because it comes packaged with art, thought, panache, something to think about.

Our Zazzle store currently info-houses greeting cards, clothes, and more:

A snow scene on the way to a party at the mansion.
“A Very Something Deeperist” Christmas Card.

And for the consumer who has everything but wants to be reminded that s/he needs nothing:
Pure Love T-Shirts!

And from our friends at Wandering Albatross Press:

Cat Totes are Real!

'Objectively Cute' infant onepieces are real!

An Advertisement for an “Objectively Cute” Babywrap

II. Pure Love for Sale: The con, busk, contemplation.
Is it an advertisement for Pure Love?
But of course it can’t be.
So what is Pure Love for Sale????
You could also skip over our long-winded advert / critique of advertising and
just give into the hype already!: Hand Over The Money!! (Kind of like a tip jar, but less forthright and more shaken forsaken.)

III. How much Bartleby Willard can the world wide web sustain?
We’re not sure, but we’re pushing our luck with two further sites:
A Pure Love Shop,
And Languages & Literature — a site for English, French, German, and Spanish literary and language studies.

IV. This Blog is a Sketchbook

We’ve been lobbing essays, stories, poems, and freewrites into this infospace for many years. The Index of Essays, Poems, & Stories has some of them.

If you’re at least one ten thousandth as obsessed with Something Deeperism as BW & AW, you’ll be delighted to discover our new Something Deeperism Institute.

Oh, and hey! We’re in print! In the Curlew Quarterly (Issue #4 – Summer 2018)

We’re trying to become real men of letters! So we’re working on writing, editing, sharing, getting paid; but we know that the most important thing is to stay grounded in that the having of which makes all OK and the lack of which leaves nothing OK. Dear Good Light, please help us!

Desperate Links:

Everything on the site is authored by Bartleby Willard, who never was and probably never will be; edited by the equally implausible Ambrose “Amble” or “Andy” Whistletown, and copyrighted by Andrew Mackenzie Watson, who–at least to those of us mired in the realm of appearances–seems to be.

This is a production of American Turkey Printshop – “Ben Franklin says we’re a noble bird!”

This is a production of Modgepanc Bookmakers – “If it’s not in our mind-plan, it shouldn’t be on your shelf!”

This is a production of any number of other made-up enterprises.

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