Secret Sunrise Apology

Secret Sunrise Apology

[Bartleby’s Poetry Corner]

I don’t know why that happened in that way.
Too many hours ‘long too cold a wall.
My visor hinges loose so’s not to stay
without I hold it up in place, while fall
my heavy boots all heavy day upon
these worn-smooth stones where we our watch must keep.
I saw, I thought, you lean, you see; and gone
from contemplations rested, clear and deep,
I sounded the alarm, though gentle speech
was all the cry required you to reach.

Can you believe I meant to help you stand?
Yet legal dots confused my flattened mind.
Forgive me please these stupid heavy hands
that broke the thread, pale-thin but true, that binds.
In darkness stirring wide, the night is loud
with rustled branches, lonesome owl’s hoot
and finally the cock exulting proud.
Now watch human justice itself refute.
Why did this happen in this wrinkled way?
I need you and could find no way to say.

Author: BW
Editor: AW
Copyright: AM Watson

[Bartleby’s Poetry Corner]

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