no more

no more

no more
captain of the sliding ship
sliding through the atmosphere towards the land where it will break into many pieces puking bodies all over the alien scenery
sliding down the waves deeper and deeper where Davy Jones sleeps and his locker holds all his dreams
a pretty girl
a happy home
a family in a nice safe spot
a world that didn’t walk over him
or flush him down into the pitch black deep dark empty sea so far down so very wrong about what was going to be

who is in the wrong now?
please don’t make me go back
please no more
please I can’t do any more of this
please God
not again
down into the boring stress
down into the pointless struggle
and yet
why should
be so special?
Most everyone slogs against the mud
soft and deep cold and calm indifferent to our puny mortal hooks and jabs

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