No Borders Wild Speculation
What if we are one thing like one giant mind.
There are impulses running through individual minds and when one combination of impulses overtakes, the mind moves in the direction they choose. Those impulses then overflow that one mind and enter into the larger one where they mix with others and create other combinations and either overtake or in some way influence the overtaking combinations. And so God speaks to Godself. Every impulse is an illusion and of course our mind/bodies are illusions and this world and our efforts alone and together: all illusions. But like a song’s an illusion; like a symphony’s an illusion; through it shine’s the Truth, and with it the Truth plays, explores, learns about limits rising and falling, learns about living, which is to say being limited and broken up, rather than Its natural state, which is to be unlimited and undivided. Why? Why? Why?! wonders a few impulses flowing in streams of impulses, travelling in worlds of laughter, rippling in all directions–waves opening dividing splashing moving rushing into themselves dissolving, but all on the surface while the sea itself remains one, calm, gentle, deep, forever, and laughing free and easy with a kindness that will not quit and cannot lose.