Lesbois P&P: Prayer

Lesbois P&P: Prayer

That this work: the book sell and also be good for author and reader and world.
That the country and world grow in wisdom.
That we all increase in soul-first health and wealth, and with clear, honest, accurate, competent, compassionate, generous, joyful thought and action use our resources for great and beautiful works of government, enterprise, bureaucracy, thought and art.
That liberal democracies, open government, a free and thoughtful public, and equality of opportunity to learn, develop, explore, create and flourish do not die out, but rather grow stronger and better, deeper and wider, so that we our shared material and mental space is used wisely and for building Beauty and Loving Kindness.
That we all together learn better and better what we Know deep within and always to some degree but never completely emotionally/intellectually grasp: That and in what sense it is TRUE to say, “we are all in this together, and should all delight in one another while treating ourselves and everyone with kindness and respect.”

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