[:en]Auto Draft[:fr]IDF – How to use Design Thinking In Your Life?[:]

[:en]Auto Draft[:fr]IDF – How to use Design Thinking In Your Life?[:]

[:fr]​I’m trying to write an essay outlining the fundamental concepts of Something Deeperism (the general-philosophy/worldview that holds that humans have insight into the Truth, but this insight is poetic rather than literal [ie: accurate insight into the Truth is meaningful to all aspects of a human’s conscious moment–including the intellect–, but this insight not liable to precise definitions or intellectual or emotional certainties]). I’m not making much progress. Perhaps if I tried design thinking: empathize with my readers (why do I want to explain these ideas to them and to myself? What’s the point? Why do any of us matter and how could these theories actually be put to real meaningful use in human lives?); Define the problem (how to demonstrate that Something Deeperism could be true and is worth pursuing?; how to explain the path towards active insight into the Truth in a way that is intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually rigorous? and how to do all this without either author or 99.99999999% of the readership being Buddha-enlightened?); Ideate ? But I’ve been doing that part forever: talking to myself, jotting down notions; Prototype: again, I’ve been at it forever: writing essay after essay that doesn’t quite work; test: hmmm: who will bother with this project? I can’t pay them. I should make a list of the questions I want to be able to answer about Something Deeperism and then try to answer them and then have people read what I wrote and ask them to answer the same questions. Andy my ideating and prototyping could use more discipline.[:]

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