

Will ever you speak to me in this life?
I miss you and wish you would be my wife.

Will ever I hear your voice speak the heart
There beating inside alive from the start?

Amn’t I good for you to know and to hold?
These songs I’d felt, by crazed hopes only told?

When God shone through our valiant crew
They knew through and through that there is naught to do.

All’s well that well ends, and time was never real.
Our lives mere tales spinning from feel to feel.

What Is is always now and ever shall be
Is Sunlight skipping across the curving sea
A giggle from beyond eternity
God’s gentle laughter bursting you and me.

I love you. I want you to be happy and well.
It’s okay all the rest — whatever tales we tell,
as fall we must through shapes and fantasies.

A heart never caught another down begging on the knees
Or else I’d kneel, head bowed, and whisper please,
Please talk to me, please tell me what is real
Please speak to me, please help me learn to feel
Truer kinder wiser better
In and past this weird reckless earthy weather
You’re the one I am looking for
But what’s right for you, in this now and ever more?

Author: We’re writing this big long fantasy novel!
Editors: The usuals
Coffee & Donuts Hang-Out Crew: Bartleby, Amble, Andy
Copyright: AM Watson

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