What is the best philosophy?
That’s easy.
It’s Something Deeperism: The general worldview that there is a Truth and humans can relate to It meaningfully, just not in a literal/1:1/definitive way. We can add to that: A human can relate more and more meaningfully to themself by relating more and more meaningfully to the Truth shining in and through all things — including each conscious moment; and a human can relate more and more meaningfully to that Truth by organizing their feeling/thinking/acting better and better around It as It shines through their every conscious moment. Something Deeperism does not seek to force your ideas and feelings to believe or explain the Truth/Light/PureLove, but Something Deeperism does point out to your ideas and feelings that they cannot help but assume something is really going on, and it really matters what we say and do; and so the only possible way forward is to discover that and in what sense this inner sense of things is correct; but this implies an Absolute standard (ie: somethings are Truly Better than others — that’s not just an opinion); and our feeling and thinking (being limited) cannot understand things in Absolute terms; but that’s OK, because what we deep within are seeking for is not perfect intellectual and/or emotional verification and understanding of our inner, indelible assumption that we need to do what is Truly Best; but a whole-being insight. A whole-being insight is ideas, feelings, and the Truth/Light that is Absolute and thus alone Knows that and in what sense it is True to say, “We are all in this together” and that shines through all things, including every conscious moment: all those aspects of our conscious moment working together meaningfully, though of course not literally/1:1/definitively (since they are not equivalent ways of contemplating and understanding).
This is the best philosophy because it matches, confirms, and explicates what we all cannot help but believe.
If you try to pretend you believe what you don’t actually believe, you just confuse your own thought. And if you misunderstand what you believe, you also just confuse your own thought. And if you try to force yourself to literally and/or emotionally confirm and believe what is ultimately prior to literal and/or emotional thought, you also just confuse your own thought. Something Deeperism does not make those errors: It paints a concise picture of where you find yourself within your conscious moment and it charts a course for you to make more sense of that moment by growing whole-being insight (ideas, feelings, and the Light/Truth shining through all things all working meaningfully, though of course not literally/1:1/definitively together) into it (insight into where you find yourself within your conscious moment).
Something Deeperism adequately describes and sketches an adequate blueprint for meaningfully engaging with, verifying, understanding, and growing what we cannot help but believe deep within.
Something Deeperism: The best philosophy because it’s a reasonably clear statement of the philosophy that we all know we already have. And that’s the point of philosophy: To help us deal with where we are within our own conscious moments. It is not true that different people have different best philosophies. We are all fundamentally the same, and thus we all share a core philosophy. Here we call it “Something Deeperism”.
You might say that much of what we’ve stated here cannot be demonstrated with logic. But that is true of all philosophies. You can never prove what underlies and animates all philosophies, religions, worldviews, and notions: some ideas are better than others; some ways of thinking and acting preferable to others; we can coherently choose better thought and action paths. Some people pretend to be nihilists and thus pretend to escape these shared principles, but the fact that they bother to not believe in anything proves how desperately they need to believe that they have it figured out, that they’ve got the right angle on things. (I’m not judging here; I speak from experience and attempt merely to help would-be-nihilists avoid wasting time and gathering unnecessary headaches.)
Philosophies are not supposed to be purely logical. A purely logical philosophy could not be lived. We are not just logical machines. We are also emotional machines. But we are also not just machines: our most core longing is to know what is really going on and what is really best and how to fit ourselves into what is really going on in a way that is truly best. This is a spiritual aspiration, and we will not be meaningful to ourselves except to the degree that we answer this aspiration with spiritual insight. That alone does not prove the existence of a spiritual Reality, but it does demonstrate that if we wish to become more internally-coherent (ie: more meaningful to ourselves), there’s only one direction we can choose: we need to discover that and in what way the spiritual Reality is True. Not only that: But note that within our longing to discover what is going on, we also have the sense that what is really going on has to be kind, has to be Good, has to be gentle and loving, has to have a place for all of us, has to be decent. Again: this does not prove that Reality has to be good to everyone; but it points a clear direction for wisdom-seekers: If wisdom does not ratify loving-kindness, than wisdom will be meaningful to human beings. And so if we think wisdom is asking us to exalt some people at the expense of others, then we know that either (a) we are mistaken about wisdom, or (b) wisdom is meaningless to humans and we have no hope for meaningfully growing in wisdom. Hence Something Deeperism: You can’t literally demonstrate anything about Reality, but you can accept that your only hope for internal-coherence is to more and more clearly understand that and in what way your inner sense that there is a Light of Pure Love shining through everything is True; and so you can seek to grow in wisdom in the only way possible for a human being: better and better organize your feeling/thinking/acting around the (initially perhaps largely assumed but in time hopefully more and better experienced) Light of Pure Love shining in and through all things. And off you go!
Something Deeperism is what we all already know: Relative truths don’t cut it for humans; but Absolute Truth cannot be understood in literal/1:1/definitive terms by human beings; but that’s okay: because we can follow the mystical path and seek for more and more whole-being insight into the Truth that passes but does not therefore necessarily completely blow off understanding. The wiser person does not Know the Truth: they constantly organize their feeling/thinking/acting better and better around the Light/Truth/PureLove/God/BuddhaNature (of course; this implies they are getting some help from said Light), so that their feeling/thinking/acting points more and more adequately well towards the Truth like a poet who adequately captures a moment strolling on the beach, or smelling a flower, or laughing with a friend.
Wisdom is here pictured as an organization around the Light shining and in and through all things, and as a meaningful poetic (in the sense that poetry paints experiences, and experiences are of necessity wider and deeper than ideas and feelings about experiences) relationship with the Light. An ongoing, self-critiquing, self-adjusting organization and poetry.
Authors: Something Deeperism Cheerleading Squad, Chapter Rah, Ra, Sun God, Wha?
Editors: Bartleby Willard & Amble Whistletown
Copyright: AM Watson