What are we to do with you?
You know what?
Donald Trump worked against democratic norms, rules, institutions, and balances of power in his presidency.
Then in 2020 he spent months trying to lie and cheat the American people out of their sovereign decision in the 2020 presidential election.
Then we had these four years for the country to say that that behavior is not Okay.
And the GOP took that time to not repudiate Donald Trump’s actions, but to at every level bow to him, excuse and/or echo his crimes.
What you GOP have done is say, “Oh, exchange democracy for a system in which the president is a dictator who uses law to perform crimes against the law and the citizens of the nation?? Hmmmm, well, and we’d get to win and shove the democrats faces into the dirt, make them bleed a little or maybe even a lot — not sure how much, guess we’ll all find out together — ? Hmmmm. You know what: Okay, sure! I’m in!”
That’s what you’ve done.
How is that not a knife in my gut?
How is that not a crime against both of us and against the human spirit?
How is that not a crime against God and man?
It is.
It very much is.
What am I to do?
What am I to do with what you have done?
You’ve lined up with political evil.
What is the logical result of your submission to political evil?
If you win, political crime’s primed and ready to go: a government turned against its own citizens, using the tools of law to suppress freedom, justice, and competency in the name of “I WIN FOREVER, SUCKERS!”
What you are doing is agreeing to crime, to evil.
What am I to do?
You have hurt me so much.
Now we gently stop you, or you cruelly oppress first us, and then yourselves.
Because once you put crime in charge, crime and nothing and no one else, is in charge.
Author: BW
Editor: AW
Copyright: AM Watson