Twenty million dollars

Twenty million dollars

Twenty million dollars
that’s all I need
to make my escape

A hundred million dollars
that’s all I need
to make my family’s escape

Two hundred million dollars
that’s all I need
to do it in style

Where are my million dollars?
Where is my stylish getaway?
Where is my dandelion?

I most certainly remember dandelions
I don’t remember why you were supposed to rub the bright yellow flat-faced flowers under your chin.
But I do remember blowing asunder the white puff-balls that they died-into in September.

And I remember lying down on the grass and the clovers
picking the white but pink-based crystalline petals of those small white ball-shaped flowers
I remember being told they contained a juice and you could drink them
I remember trying to drink the juice, but never succeeding, but still believing — probably even telling others
that you could pluck these petals and swill this elixir
I still believe
and strongly suspect
that the flowers contain magical properties
and maybe even
two hundred million dollars
but where can one find those flowers these days?

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