To the quiet wood

To the quiet wood

I want to take you
to the quiet wood.
Far away from this place.
Deep down in the belly
of the deep dark wood,
where no bombs reach,
no Hurt lingers low.
We won’t tell Luke–
Luke Hermer–
where we’re going.
He’ll not find us.
Though he wander wide,
His noise machine
Disturbing foxes,
Unsettling crows.
Yet our little glen–
So far and so secret–
He’ll ne’er catch.
There we’ll be safe.
And the clean river air
will clear my lungs.
I’ll remember things again.
Trivia, fun facts, names.
Important things too–
If there are any.
And you will wear
A dress white and long
When we go walking
Hand in hand
Through a forest world.

Authors: Time & Slip
Editor: BW/AW
Copyright: AMW

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