Superhero Play – Act I, Scene 1
Act I, Scene 1
John and Joe in the corn field.
John: So are you going to ask Sally to the dance?
Joe: No, she’ll never do. I need a woman who understands.
John: Understands what?
Joe: Never mind. You won’t understand.
John: So I guess I’m not your girl either.
Joe: Who are you gonna ask?
John: Susan, of course.
Joe: Susan again. I suppose she understands.
John: Yes, she does. And I do too. That’s what we have going.
Joe: That’s great, John. You’re a lucky man, a lucky man-woman-team–like in the Bible.
John: Right. This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
Joe: Would Susan approve of that kind of talk? I thought she was a modern woman.
John: We’re all modern women now, Joe. That’s the point it’s reached. We just quote stuff and muse upon it, meaning nothing.
Joe: Yeah. So. Susan’s a nice girl, though.
John: So’s Sally.
Joe: Well, maybe I’ll ask her anyway. I don’t know. No one understands, so I can’t really hold that against her.
John: It could be a double date.
Joe: Yeah. If she says yes.
John: Of course you can come along whatever the circumstance.
Joe: Of course. I mean, thanks.
John: No you don’t, you mean, “of course”–and that’s good. Even if my soul/heart/mind-concotion’s not broad enough to understand Joe Georgia, our understanding means a lot to me.
Joe: Sure. Of course. Thanks.