Poetic Truths can be Adequate Truths

Poetic Truths can be Adequate Truths

Humans can understand the Absolute Truth poetically: not literally/definitively, but not therefore inadequately.

Bethink yourself of a skillful and soulful poem about an author’s meditative walk along the seashore: because you and the author have essentially the same experience and relate essentially the same to language, if you read the poem with an open heart and mind you can–via empathy–recreate the poet’s essential experience within yourself.

[Note that doubting this kind of essential communication between yourself and others is possible is as useless/self-defeating as doubting that thought should be clear or that kindness Matters: insofar as you disbelieve that others are essentially like yourself, you render everything you’ve learned from others (aka: like everything) incomprehensible, and you also lose all interest in life and thought and so cannot understand, believe in, or care about any of your thoughts.]

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