I was colonized way back when; now I talk to myself in the slinking sun
I was colonized so long ago now
Can’t hardly recall it nowadays
Been mostly speaking this tongue for nigh a millennium
I don’t want to justify or fight or fuss.
But I do wanna say: let’s not throw out babies with bathwaters.
There is within Christianity–so long as one remembers that no dogma clutched literally can keep one’s consciousness facing the Truth (which is of course beyond mere dogma)–the possibility of a coherent path to the Truth.
One doesn’t have to be a Christian to find an effective spiritual path, but it goes too far to lump it up with the smokey violence that Christians–being humans and so not too awful much like God in any weather–sometimes reach for.
Liberal representative democracies are the best thing going right now. Let’s work together to safeguard, spread and interconnect them. Let’s not pretend they’re one more hopeless failure among an undifferentiated mushy pile of hopelessly corrupt tyrannies. They have a chance to better and better unfold their promise, and we humandrops with them.
Let’s dig in to our moment, push out from within, and move towards the better hand in hand. There are other options, but they all taste like dirty dish soap. (They taste like that, but are actually worse than that; that they taste that bad and not worse is due to human foolishness.)
Author: Lonesome John, last of the Edinburgh/London/NYC/Paris/Tokyo Highlanders, dropped off near the bus stop, speaking a most polished English and a serviceable French.
Editor: BW
Editor’s Editor: AW