God in an evil place

God in an evil place

God was in the killing fields.
God saw the blood running and the men falling.
God was in the concentration camp.
God saw the empty meanness and meaningful suffering.
God has never loved anyone more than anyone else.
God has always loved everyone infinitely.
God has never chosen anyone over anyone else.
God has always chosen everyone infinitely.
God has never cared for anyone more than anyone else.
God has always cared for everyone infinitely.
So how to explain this life?

With God on all sides, compassionating and love-lifting everyone always forever.
Infinite Mind/bodys tumble forward all chained together and interacting in accordance with mental and physical laws. But the spiritual shines within, through and beyond them, and it also interacts with our feeling/thinking/doing. This is the mystery within the motions, the wheel within the clay, the Light within the darkness, the gentle silence that commands with no violence no force no shove and no pull.

God in an evil place is the same as God in all places.
God in an evil place is infinite Love on all sides.
Why is it like this?
Why does God let us harm ourselves and one another?
Why does God let us lie about the most sacred things to ourselves and to others?
Why it it like this?
Human wisdom is limited by the ability of feelings/ideas/words&deeds to perceive, understand, and interpret the Love shining through everything — including each conscious moment.
We know in part, we love in part, we are in part.
Our task is to organize our feeling/thinking/acting better and better around the Love that is gentle with and kind to everyone, and to move with this Love in aware clear honest accurate competent compassionate joyful generous kind-delight.
Our wisdom is the wisdom of poetry, of pointing-towards rather than precisely-defining.
Our Goodness is the Goodness of poetry, of moving-with rather than definitively-answering.
Our love is the love of poetry, of constantly starting over from 0: of careful self-analysis and -revision: Pushing out from within, we reach again for the Love that gently kindly effectively embraces and uplifts everyone always forever.

What can we say?
Human lives are short.
Human wisdom is limited.
Human hearts are weak.
But human lives are long enough to listen well.
And human wisdom wise enough to try and try and try again for aware clear honest accurate competent compassionate creative loving-kind joyfully-sharing.
And human hearts strong enough to try and try and try again for the Love that Knows that and in what way it is True to say “We are all in this together always.”
This is Something Deeperism: The acknowledgement that it goes too far to say that we have it all figured out, but that it also goes too far to say that we have absolutely no clue about what direction we should move towards.

Now the buzzards
They circle
And the lions
They linger
And our feet and hands
They falter and fail
Now the sand
It cakes our eyes
and lines our mouths
Now our throats
they turn inside out
to bake
beneath the yellow sun
inside where blue sky
meets the granulated earth
we say
to our doubts
and our certainties
we say
to what we
cannot contain
but that
fills us
to overflowing

Authors: BW/AW
Editors: AW/BW
Copyright: AMW

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